So Long Cellulite!
No one really shouts out about it, but it’s such a common condition and over 90% of women have it. It’s caused by the fatty content within the fat cells varying in size which is what gives that lumpy/dimpled effect.
We all have the same number of fat cells within our bodies it’s just the amount of fatty content that varies. Also there is no way of ensuring the fatty content evenly distributed itself within the fat cells. There are things we can do however that do help to reduce the look of it though.
Cellulite, let’s face it doesn’t look particularly nice and its a problem for many women, in fact around 90% of women have it. Cellulite also effects people who aren’t overweight and can effect even the slimmest of ladies. So whether you hate it or embrace it here are a few tips to help it look better.
Stay hydrated ~ drinking plenty of water (sorry I know it’s boring)
Eat right ~ try to limit fizzy drink, fatty, salty and saturated fats from your diet
Exercise ~ we all know this helps so try to do some form of exercise each day even if it’s just going for a walk
Dry brushing ~ this really helps boost circulation in the area
Massage ~ spend a few minutes massaging the area with your favourite moisturiser